China's rare old manual hammer rat, copper statue of five mice carrying goods

24.83 $
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Seller reliability: 68%

Buy with caution, vogue Gem and statue

  • More than 9 years of seller experience
  • Medium general feedback score (767)
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  • 7.4% of customers were dissatisfied over the last 3 months

Prices at other sellers from 25.6 $

China's rare old manual hammer rat, copper statue of five mice carrying goods metal handicraft
25.60 $
China's rare old manual hammer rat, copper statue of five mice carrying goods metal handicraft
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Reliability – 85%

Seller Chinese arts and crafts stores
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China's rare old manual hammer rat, copper statue of five mice carrying goods
29.69 $
China's rare old manual hammer rat, copper statue of five mice carrying goods
0decorative imageratings
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Reliability – 68%

Seller Antique Boutique Collection
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China's rare old manual hammer rat, copper statue of five mice carrying goods 2024 - buy cheap
China's rare old manual hammer rat, copper statue of five mice carrying goods 2024 - buy cheap
China's rare old manual hammer rat, copper statue of five mice carrying goods - compare prices
China's rare old manual hammer rat, copper statue of five mice carrying goods - specifications
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Product specifications

  • Theme: MASCOT
  • Regional Feature: China
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